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SciName Finder™

 Updated 2022-11-10

 Search for scientific and common names of plants and animals

SciName Finder™ is a search tool for scientific/common names of plants and animals written by Anders Møller, Danish Food Informatics  -  current databases connected: Australian Fish Names Standard® AS SSA 5300-2009, CEC 1993, Danish Plant Name List 2003, eBASIS/EuroFIR Nettox Plant List 2007, European Fisheries Regulations (No 1637/2001, No 1638/2001, No216/2009, No 217/2009, No 218/2009), FAO AFSIS, FishBase 2004, 2010 FDA Seafood List, FDA Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia, ITIS, Mammal Species of the World (3rd Ed.), USDA ARS GRIN, USDA PLANTS.
For more information about the data sources, see the Authoritative Sources.

The SciName Finder™ database currently contains 1263343 scientific and common/vernacular names.

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CEC Id:1004
Vernacular name(s)Danish:spydfisk, marliner, sejlfisk-familien
 English:billfish, sailfish, marlin, spearfish, sail bearers
 French:voiliers, makaires, marlins
 German:Fächerfische, Segelfische
 Italian:pesci vela, pesci lancia, marlin, istioforidi
 Portuguese:espadins e veleiros
 Spanish:marlines, espadones

EC No 216/2009 Id.:BIL
Vernacular name(s)Bulgarian:Платноходкови
 Czech:plachetníkovití (čeleď)
 Danish:Marliner, sejlfisk, spydfisk i.a.n.
 English:Marlins, sailfishes, spearfishes
 FAO 3-alpha Id.:BIL
 French:Makaires, marlins, voiliers
 Gaelic:Mairlíní, colgáin na ndealg, gaithéisc
 Italian:Pesci vela
 Latvian:Marlīnes, buruzivis
 Maltese:Marlin, klieb il-baħar, pixxilanz
 Portuguese:Espadins e veleiros
 Slovakian:Plachetkovité, kopijníkovité
 Slovenian:pahljačaste mečarice
 Spanish:Marlines, espadones
 Swedish:Segelfiskar, spjutfiskar

ITIS TSN:172486
Vernacular name(s)English:spearfishes, sailfishes, marlins, billfishes

Istiophoridae - undifferentiated
CAAB Code:37 444000          AFNS Species record
Vernacular name(s)English:Marlin
 Obsolete Names:black marlin; blue marlin bayonet-fish; Indo-Pacific blue marlin; Indo-Pacific sailfish; sailfish; s

Pristiophoridae Bleeker, 1859
ITIS TSN:160776
Vernacular name(s)English:saw sharks, saw fishes

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